Saturday, March 14, 2009

Surprise pressie from Cindy*
On Tuesday, before Writing and Referencing Skilss exam..
So Cute huh!

Took this roses last Monday..It was from Weisheng on the Valentine's day :D

Last Wednesday(11.03.2009)
Last Wednesday,
after my exam..and Pengajian Malaysian class which i think is boring..
My sis went to batu lanchang to fetch Weisheng ..
then picked me up from college,
and then headed to Moon Chi's house to fetch her to my house...
Got ready in my house..
changed and stuffs...
(started raining heavily)--around6.00pm
*don't bother*
DONE with everything..~
we're all headed to Batu Ferringhi..
went to Spice Market to have our dinner..
(sort of celebrate about something..haha :D)
Buffet dinner..yum yum...i love the prawns and dessert..
Took a lot of pictures..made a lot of stupid jokes..
took crazy snapshots..blah blah blah..

I will upload the pics later k```PROMISE*


Erm..I'm having MY holiday right now..
so, I wanna spend more time with my family, weisheng and my close friends..
& I have my rights to do WHATEVER I LIKE..
I can play games..
I can eat how much i want..
I can sleep whenever i feel like..
I can even REJECT your invitation k..
(you know who you are!)
After college started,
I was really busy with my college homework, assignments and stuffs..
And i had neglected my friends and family a lot..
I had missed out a lot of things with you guys..
Im sorry.
Will catch up with all of ya:D
especially my GIRLS (akiko and jina)

P.s.: I'm really blessed to have nice and friendly friends in college..

* LoVeYaALL *


Cindy L said...

haha! You are welcome!
That teddy meant for placing it in the car where Weisheng always fetch you in. So when you are unhappy, look at the teddy!
Have fun!
Miss me k! >.<